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Parallel Programming In Java

Parallel Programming In Java In recent years, the multicore processors are commonplace and are used everywhere, so a new trend has emerged in the field of computing, a concept called Parallel Processing or Parallel Programming. Parallel Programming is the set of methods or techniques which are used to take advantages of the computers that contain two or more processors (also called multicore processors), to speed up the performance of applications. Prior to parallel programming, threads were being created to make concurrent programs, but threads were not actually being executed simultaneously (at the same time) because of the single-core processors, and they used to share CPU-time, to utilize the idle CPU time. But in parallel programming, two or more threads can actually execute simultaneously because of the multi-core processors. See The Basics Of Multithreading In Java Java has defined many core features (classes and interfaces) in its concurrency (or multithreading...

Multithreading In Java

Multithreading In Java Java provides built-in support for multithreading . Multithreading is the technique of performing multiple tasks simultaneously or concurrently, so it is also called multitasking . There are two types of multitasking: process-based multitasking and thread-based multitasking. Process-based multitasking means two or more processes execute at the same time which is supported by the current operating systems. Like a person is using notepad file and at the same time another file is being downloaded in the background, this is multitasking (at the process level). Now, multithreading is the technique in which single process can execute multiple tasks at the same time as a person is writing in notepad file and at the same time he is printing previous pages which he has written, means two tasks are being performed within a single process, so this is multithreading or multitasking within a single process (at thread-level). It is also called concurrent programming, wh...

Comparison Between Java And C++

Comparison Between Java And C++ Java and C++ both are high-level languages and both have somewhat similar syntax but have different uses, purposes, dynamics, advantages etc. C++ was the extension to C language. It inherits its syntax from C language and it adds object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm, so it was first called "C WithClass" then its name was renamed by C++. Java is totally based on object-oriented programming paradigm developed to overcome platform dependence problems. Java language is influenced by C++ because it inherits most of its syntax from C++, so it is from then being assumed that both are same languages but scenario is totally different in both languages. C++ language was developed for making use of modern techniques and features by extending C language with some new features like static typing, object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm, generic programming, template metaprogramming, STL (Standard Template Library) and exception handling etc....

What Are The Benefits of Learning Java

Java is the most widely used programming language in developing client-server applications, web-based applications, desktop applications, mobile applications etc. There are several benefits of learning java language. 1. Platform Independent First and foremost benefit of learning Java is that it is platform independent, means a java program written in one computer can be run in any other computer without recompiling it because java compiler does not convert source code of java directly into machine code, rather it first converts it into bytecode, which is then converted by Java virtual machine (JVM) into machine code. So, that generated bytecode can be run in any computer regardless of environments, and this is also called portability (WORA) means write once run anywhere. 2.  Easy To Learn Java language is very easy to learn for professionals and also for beginners because its syntax is inherited from C and C++, so those who know basic of one of these languages can easily...

Importance Of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Importance Of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) What is OOP? What are the benefits of using OOP language? How it is used in any language? There are a number of programming paradigms used in programming like imperative programming, declarative programming, structured programming, functional programming, procedural programming etc. OOP is the most widely used programming paradigm nowadays which defines the concept of classes and objects. The class is the template or form of the object, just like the map is the architecture of the house. It defines the blueprint of data representations and methods for manipulating and using that data, and an object is the real entity of the program which works exactly as defined in the class, as the house will be constructed exactly same as defined in map. Programming Paradigms OOP defines the features like Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation which are used to simplify code and reduce the complexity of the programs when they become l...

What Are The Benefits Of Learning Operating System

Benefits Of Learning Operating System Operating System is the important part in the field of computer. It is the major subject of Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Information Technology. It is the system software which hides the implementations and provides the interface to the users. It acts as an intermediary between hardware and the application software. Operating System (OS) is responsible for managing the resources of the computer. Most operating systems are divided into modules (sub-parts of the OS) like memory manager which manages the memory of the computer, CPU scheduler which schedules the processes in the main memory (RAM) and virtual memory (Hard disk), file manager which manages the files in virtual memory, input/output manager which manages the input and output devices etc. Most popular operating systems are Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android, Unix etc. There are types of operating systems, some do single tasking (execute one instruction at a time) and some a...