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What Are The Benefits Of Learning Operating System

Benefits Of Learning Operating System

Operating System is the important part in the field of computer. It is the major subject of Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Information Technology. It is the system software which hides the implementations and provides the interface to the users. It acts as an intermediary between hardware and the application software. Operating System (OS) is responsible for managing the resources of the computer. Most operating systems are divided into modules (sub-parts of the OS) like memory manager which manages the memory of the computer, CPU scheduler which schedules the processes in the main memory (RAM) and virtual memory (Hard disk), file manager which manages the files in virtual memory, input/output manager which manages the input and output devices etc. Most popular operating systems are Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android, Unix etc.

There are types of operating systems, some do single tasking (execute one instruction at a time) and some are multitasking (executes multiple instructions at a time) like time-sharing systems and they use different algorithms in memory management, file management, process scheduling etc.

Different Operating Systems title=
Different Operating Systems

Benefits of learning operating system are:

  1. Learning operating systems let students or programmers think of how computer systems work and provide opportunity to make efficient use of computers which common users cannot do without solid knowledge of operating system.
  2. Operating System hides the implementation of hardware and provides the simple interface to the user, so after getting the knowledge of operating system, we can use that knowledge and techniques which are used in developing operating systems at the system level in the user level applications to provide easy and simple interface to the users.
  3. Operating systems makes use of different algorithms in scheduling processes like balance share, fair share, and prioritization, so developers who have knowledge of operating system can also apply these algorithms in time-critical and application softwares where these kinds of algorithms are required.
  4. Latest operating systems supports concurrency (means to run multiple processes together) and handle the thread contentions and deadlocks, which are the problematic situations. We can use the same type of solutions and algorithms used in an operating system in developing multithreaded or concurrent applications.
  5. Operating Systems are large and performance critical systems tend to remain for decades because they are designed and developed with cost, reliability, performance, maintainability, so they are great places to learn these kinds of tradeoffs for developing reliable and efficient softwares.
  6. Because operating system is the biggest type of software which handles the hardware and applications softwares, so after getting the solid knowledge of it and playing with its core parts or handling the much bigger burden of problems, users can get ability and proficiency to handle all kind of problems or errors at any level in the field of computer.
  7. Most important benefit of learning operating system is that users or programmers can think of developing new operating systems for their own purposes or for the commercial and business purposes.

Benefits Of Learning Operating System
